Art of Living helps
out in Christchurch

On February 22 2011, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake caused extensive damage to many parts of Christchurch, and claimed the lives of over 185 people. Many homes were left without power, water and sewage for days, and even weeks in some areas. Effects of the earthquake can be seen all over the city. Many houses are badly damaged, 10,000 homes are to be demolished, and much of the City Centre, including the iconic Christchurch Cathedral, will have to be rebuilt. 

Earthquake activity in the region has continued for over a year since Saturday 4th September 2010 when the first earthquake measuring 7.1 struck.  Whilst people were clearly anxious and scared following the September quake, the February earthquake generated widespread trauma, tension and fear and 70,000 people left. 

The Art of Living Foundation responded to the earthquakes in Christchurch by offering the Art of Living De- Stress Course FREE OF CHARGE to help the people overcome their Post Traumatic Stress symptoms.

A recent headline in a local newspaper told us that after 12 months, Cantabrians are “Still jumpy, still having difficulty sleeping, and dealing with a lot of worry and anxiety….”  For many people, life after 22nd February is a very different reality; people feel very different, and are facing challenges on every level, including their own state of mind and wellbeing. 

Another recent article in The Press (5th November 2011) tells us that Christchurch is in the ‘disillusionment phase’ of psychological recovery from the earthquake.  In this stage, it states that the true difficulties of the recovery process become apparent where people feel overwhelmed by their situation, extremely tired in the mind and feel powerless.  The article likens this stage to a psychological marathon as it can remain for a number of years. 

Spates of aftershocks continue to rock the city and experts believe earthquake activity will continue for some time.  People wonder if they will ever feel safe again. The Art of Living De-stress Courses support those feeling vulnerable or unable to cope, and those continuing to deal with loss or bereavement.  The courses, together with the dedication of teachers and volunteers, are playing a vital part in helping Christchurch recover.


 Response to the Canterbury Earthquakes:

Between 17th September 2010 and 13th November 2011, we offered 23 free trauma relief courses in Christchurch (plus 3 courses for children.)  Around 500 people aged 18 – 80 have benefited from learning the stress releasing breathing techniques, with amazing results.  Feedback from participants showed over 90% experienced improved quality of sleep, clarity of mind & thinking; over 90% found improved emotional stability and  a feeling of calmness;

over 95% found the course beneficial & would recommend it to friends & family.


Lisa Yardley, a Christchurch business woman came to the course because the effects of the earthquakes were frightening and made her heart race.  After attending, Lisa felt relieved and calm and was able to sleep well- even through aftershocks!  This sense of calmness is typical of what people report after attending our courses.

Marianne Edelmann, a Christchurch based International Business Coach and trainer is normally a highly active, resilient and resourceful person. However, since 22 February she found herself much less so and reports that the Art of Living techniques proved an absolute lifeline to her.

Peter Knight, an accountant, said his mind was stressed, tense and busy before the course; afterwards he felt relaxed and more content.

Jayne, another course participant said: “This morning at 3.40am we had a 4.6 aftershock, I didn't even bother to move, I did my breathing & said “I bet that’s a 4.6” and dozed off to sleep again. I thought before I did this course my heart was leaping out of my chest ...I was terrified and couldn’t sleep.”

Guriobal Singh, accountant, said after the course “It gives happiness, coolness and comfort to the body and mind.”

Mark McGrath, business owner, says “The course is a great gift to the people of Christchurch. Everybody should attend this for their health and well-being.”

The De-stress Course

The Art of Living De- Stress Course is a 12 hour inspirational workshop held over 4 days (Thurs & Fri 6.30- 8.30pm and Sat & Sun 10am- 2pm). The course includes: gentle yoga stretches, pranayama (breathing exercises), and deep relaxation. Breathe out stress – breathe in joy for life!  

Courses are offered FREE every 2 weeks until further notice. Check out the website or contact us.

To register or for further information, call 0508 ARTOFLIVING

or email for a registration form.


To date this project has been funded internally by the Art of Living Foundation of New Zealand, through donations and by volunteers.  However we have been granted funding from independent partners to ensure this essential work continues.  The project in 2012 has been generously supported by United Way (, the Lion Foundation ( ) and The Trusts Community Foundation  (  We thank all our funders and look forward to working alongside in 2012 to continue to make a real difference to the lives of those affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.

DESCILO_Tsunami_20090.pdf - click here to download

Katrina Article.pdf - click here to download

Treatment of PTSD Article.pdf - click here to download