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  1. Choose to Vote for a Better India

    In a country where red-tape and apathy make the average citizens baulk at registering even themselves for their voter-identity card, the Voter Awareness Campaign (VAC) of the The Art of Living’s Volunteer for a Better India initiative, has inspired thousa ...
  2. Choose to Vote for a Better India

    In a country where red-tape and apathy make the average citizens baulk at registering even themselves for their voter-identity card, the Voter Awareness Campaign (VAC) of the The Art of Living’s Volunteer for a Better India initiative, has inspired thousa ...
  3. Education- Volunteer

    Your time/expertise Gift your time Simply spend time with children by giving quality time to them. An opportunity for inner reflection and an opportunity to bring out the child in you! Share your skills Whatever these may be- story telling, candle making, ...
  4. Muzaffarnagar to Mohabbatnagar

    In the far-flung village of Kawal in the remote district of Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh, India, a fight breaks out between two groups. While some say it is an old feud, others say that the clash happened after a boy's sister was harassed by some b ...
  5. Opening doors of opportunity

    The Sri Sri Rural Development program has set up training institutes in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, with the idea of channelizing the energy of the youth in a productive direction as a step toward rooting out substance abuse. Beginning with the Sri Sri Compu ...
  6. Environmental Care

    The Art of Living Foundation, with its roots in spirituality, has nurtured a deep respect for our planet in thousands of people around the world. The earth may be made up of rocks, sand and water, but spirituality can help us to perceive our planet as a l ...
  7. Our Holistic Approach

    How We Work The Art of Living transforms societies by instilling a vision, making role models, promoting a sense of community and giving people a voice. The Art of Living—Projects Management Unit (PMU) is a special technical wing within The Art of Living ...
  8. Free Education: A tour through Guntur... Sri Sri Seva Mandir!

    Innocence in the eyes, Curiosity in their speech, Sharp, observant mind, yet playful all the time, They exhibited the qualities no different from any other child. Yet, they were not just any kids- special, one of a kind. Running around joyfully in the wet ...
  9. Youth Village, Feeding Scheme

    Student That is why it is very crucial for a school to have a feeding scheme, so that the world may become a better place. This is how we benefit from the school and the convenience of having a better and healthy life. I am very humbled to say that I also ...
  10. Appeal for Typhoon Haiyan Relief

    On November 6, 2013, one of deadliest typhoons on record stuck Philippines killing at least 4,000 people. More than 900,000 people displace, 243,000 houses destroyed and more than 10 million people affected by this deadly typhoon (Latest info) The Interna ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More