Breathing Exercises

How to Breathe Easy: Improve Your Lung Health With Breathwork

Learn how simple breathing techniques can help you breathe easy and improve your lung health!

Daniel Kaufman
how to breathe easy

Did you know that one in seven middle-aged and older adults suffers from some form of lung disorder? Startling, but true. 

Breath is the basis of life, and when you're having trouble breathing it can cause a chain reaction of negative effects on your mental and physical health and decrease your overall quality of life.

But don't worry, a few simple breathing techniques can help you breathe easier in no time.

Read on to learn how to make your next breath smooth, easy, and joyful!

Lung conditions and breathing problems

lung condition

According to the American Lung Association, "(Lung conditions are) a major problem; and the third leading cause of death in the United States."

There are dozens of different lung conditions and lung diseases that can make breathing more difficult. Here's a list of some of the most common issues that affect lung function. These conditions can cause shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.


A chronic condition that causes the airways in the lungs to become inflamed and/or narrow, making it more difficult to exhale.


Swelling or inflammation of the lining of main passages to the lungs (bronchial tubes). This condition often causes the coughing up of thick mucus, and can be either chronic or acute.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)

The third leading cause of death by disease in the US, COPD is a lung disease marked by permanent damage to the tissue in lungs, making it harder to breathe. 


A severe inflammation of the lungs in which the alveoli (tiny air sacs) are filled with fluid. If left untreated this can lead to a medical emergency.

Pulmonary fibrosis

A lung disease that occurs when lung tissue becomes damaged and scarred. The thick, stiff scar tissue makes it more difficult for your lungs to work properly.

Interstitial lung disease

This term refers to a group of about 100 chronic lung disorders. These conditions are characterized by inflammation and scarring that negatively impact lung function.

What to do if you think you may have a lung condition?,

breathe better

If you feel you are having trouble breathing easily, you should seek help from your doctor or another medical professional.

They may suggest medication and/or pulmonary rehabilitation, which is a supervised medical program that helps people with lung conditions breathe better.

One of the main tools of pulmonary rehabilitation is the use of breathing exercises, also called breathwork.

Read on to learn how practicing a few of these simple breathing techniques can help you breathe easier and live better.

Improve lung function with breathing techniques

Breathing techniques

According to the American Lung Association, breathing exercises can make your lungs work more efficiently and help alleviate the symptoms of many lung conditions and diseases.

So what exactly are breathing exercises?

Simply put, breathing exercises are when you breathe in a conscious, systematic way to improve lung function, reduce stress, or arrive at some other physical or mental health benefit.

Breathing techniques to Improve lung function

There are hundreds of different breathing exercises out there, and many have shown benefits for lung health. Here are a few simple ones you can try at home.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing

Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest. So it's no surprise that something as simple as deep breathing can have an amazing impact on your lung health.

To properly practice deep breathing, just follow these three easy steps:

  • Sit upright in a comfortable position, and consciously relax your whole body

  • Inhale slowly for a count of four, filling up your lungs completely

  • Exhale slowly for a count of four to six, emptying your lungs completely

You can practice this technique for five to ten minutes as a beginner, then increase the length of your practice as your lung capacity and endurance increase.

Humming Bee Breath

Humming bee breath, called Brahmari Pranayama in Sanskrit, is a breathing technique where you slowly breathe in deeply, then make a humming sound like a bee as you exhale slowly. This deep breathing exercise will help strengthen your lungs and is also amazing for quickly reducing stress and anxiety.

Watch the video below to see how to practice this technique properly.

Belly breathing

Belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, is a breathing technique where you fully engage your diaphragm (the major muscle of respiration that separates your chest and abdominal cavities) in order to take deeper breaths. This exercise is wonderful for increasing lung capacity and alleviating shortness of breath.

Check out these step-by-step instructions:
  1. Sit or lie down on a comfortable, flat surface. If there is any strain in your back, keep your knees bent. Relax your body.

  2. Relax your shoulders, head, and neck by gently rolling them a couple of times.

  3. Put one hand on your upper chest and the other hand on your belly.

  4. Take a long, full, easy breath in through your nose and fill your lungs up completely.

  5. As the lungs get fully filled, the diaphragm moves down, expanding your abdomen and sides of the waist. Your chest remains relatively still. Your hand on your belly gently rises.

  6. Exhale slowly through pursed lips (as if your lips are holding a straw in your mouth) for the count of four or six. Feel the abdomen narrowing and gently getting pulled towards your spine. The hand that is resting on your belly will gently come back to its original position.

  7. Repeat these steps 10-15 times for best results.

diaphragmatic breathing

Pursed lip breathing

Pursed lips breathing is an easy technique where you elongate your breath by pursing your lips and pretending you're breathing through a straw. This paced breathing exercise will have you breathing easier with regular practice.

Watch the video below to learn how to practice properly.

The most powerful breathing technique

So you see that a variety of breathing techniques can help you breathe easier, and can have an amazing effect on your lung function and health. But the benefits of breathwork don't stop there. 


An amazing breathing exercise called SKY Breath Meditation has been extensively studied over the last decade, and has been shown to offer a wide range of benefits by more than 100 independent peer-reviewed studies.


Some of the benefits include:

  • 78% reduction in the stress hormone serum cortisol

  • 67% reduction in depression

  • 44% reduction in anxiety

  • Enhanced quality of sleep

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Enhanced immune function

  • Improved cholesterol

If you want to experience the most extensive benefits from breathwork, I recommend this technique over all the rest!

SKY Breath Meditation

Want to learn more about how you can experience the benefits of SKY Breath Meditation for yourself? 

Click the image below for a free intro. A LIVE expert instructor will guide you through the practice of some amazing breathwork, and you'll also experience the deep inner peace of an easy guided meditation.

Don't miss this chance to change your life for the better with the power of breath!

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