Benefits of Yoga Infographic


Meditation is food for the soul. A very powerful tool for unrest, depression, stress and lack of zest for life. Swami Jyothirmayah has been traveling the world for Art of Living for years and is an expert in meditation and breathing techniques. In this video he tells us what meditation contributes to our lives. The workshop is an introduction to and a stepping stone to the Art of Meditation course. It takes 1 hour.

The Workshop consists of:

Onderdeel: Ademoefeningen

Breathing exercises that you immediately learn to apply for deep relaxation

Onderdeel: Balans

Learn more about what it means to live in the now

Onderdeel: Geleide meditatie

Guided meditation

Onderdeel: Vraag en antwoord

Question and answer

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Experience deep silence

The Art of Meditation course from Art of Living is based on a beautiful, very deep meditation technique, the Sahaj Samadhi. The technique is ancient and stems from the Vedic tradition. The Sahaj Samadhi of Art of Living is completely focused on our times.

Samadhi represents a natural calm state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming. It is an inexhaustible source of energy, intelligence, creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility. It connects you to your own source. 'Sahaj' means 'effortless' in Sanskrit. And that is also the essence of this technique. It goes effortlessly. Not only the practice, but also learning the Sahaj Samadhi meditation. It is therefore an effortless and practical course for everyone. You learn it quickly and you experience the effects immediately. sensible.


Connecting with yourself


During the course you will receive a personal mantra and you will learn to use this meditative sound in a natural and effective way. A mantra is a powerful tool, for example to exorcise recurring annoying thoughts and to deal with the fixed grooves of your mind.
You will learn how to integrate the Sahaj Samadhi into your daily life so that you enjoy it permanently. As said: effortless and fast.

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